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(change in voice)

  • 1 change of voice

    muda s.f.

    English-spanish dictionary > change of voice

  • 2 change of voice

    Stimmwechsel m.

    English-german dictionary > change of voice

  • 3 change of voice

    Stimmbruch m, Stimmwechsel m, Mutation f

    Fachwörterbuch Medizin Englisch-Deutsch > change of voice

  • 4 change of voice

    English-Russian dictionary of medicine > change of voice

  • 5 change

    I. 1. сменям, променям
    слагам чисти дрехи, белъо (и на легло, завивки, покривки и пр.), to CHANGE q.'s coat обличам си друго палто
    it won't take me five minutes to CHANGE за по-малко от пет минути ще се преоблека
    to CHANGE for dinner преобличам се/обличам се официалио за вечеря
    he CHANGEd out of his overalls and into a lounge suit той съблече работния си комбинезон и си облече всекидневен костюм
    2. сменям, прекачвам се на друг влак/параход/самолет и пр
    3. меня, сменям, разменям
    to CHANGE hands сменям собственика си, минавам от ръка на ръка (за къща, кола и пр.), to CHANGE places with разменямe си местатa с
    to CHANGE foot оправям си крака, влизам в крак (при маршируване), to CHANGE one's feet разг. преобувам се
    4. меня (се), изменям (се), променям (се)
    обръщам (се), превръщам (се) (into в)
    to CHANGE for the better подобрявам се
    to CHANGE for the worse влошавам се
    his face CHANGEd back to its usual expression лицето му придоби отново обичайното си изражение
    5. разменям, развалям (обик. банкноти на по-дребни пари), to CHANGE a cheque/a postal order изплащам/получавам стойността на чек/пощенски запис
    6. променям се, мутирам (за глас)
    7. преминавам от една фаза в друга (за луна и пр.)
    8. променям се от прилив към отлив и обратно
    change aboat (постоянно) меня/променям решението, намерението, мнението/позициите си
    change down авт. (пре) минавам на по-малка скорост
    change for заменям за, сменям с
    change off редувам (се), сменям (се) (with с), променям, сменям (време, място и пр.)
    change over правя промяна, преминавам към нещо друго
    change round пpaвя разместване, размествам (мебели и пр.), сменям (тема на разговор и пр.)
    change to променям, сменям на/в, минавам от едно нещо на друго
    we've CHANGEd to central heating преминахме на парно отопление
    change up авт. (пре) минавам на по-голямя скорост, увеличавам скоростта
    II. 1. смяна, промяна, замяна
    for a CHANGE за разнообразие
    2. сменяне на дрехи/белъо (и на легло), дрехи за преобличане
    3. изменение, промяна
    CHANGE of life климактериум
    CHANGE of voice мутиране на гласа
    the last great CHANGE смъртта
    CHANGE for the better подобрение
    CHANGE for the worse влошаване
    the barometer is at CHANGE барометърът показва промяна на времето
    4. остатък, ресто, дребни пари
    to get CHANGE for a one-pound note разменям/развалям банкнота от една лира
    small CHANGE дребни пари, прен. лек разговор, незначителни/банални забележки
    to give CHANGE връщам ресто на купувач (за касиер в магазин и пр.), to get no CHANGE out of someone sl. не мога да надвия/надхитря/изиграя някого, от него нищо не мога да откопча
    take your CHANGE out of that! разг. нищо повече няма да получиш, ако щеш! много ти здраве
    5. борса (и 'Change)
    6. различии начини на биене на камбани
    to ring the CHANGEs прен. правя/казвам нещо по най-различни начини
    to ring the CHANGEs on a subject разг. опявам на някаква тема, повтарям и потретвам
    7. смяна на фазите на луната, особ. новолуние
    * * *
    {tJeindz} v 1. сменям, променям; слагам чисти дрехи, бельо (и (2) n 1. смяна, промяна; замяна; for a change за разнообразие; 2
    * * *
    смяна; сменям; сменявам; ресто; обменям; обръщам; перипетия; преобразявам; прекачване; преобличам; видоизменение; променям; промяна; разнообразие; разменям; изменение; изменям;
    * * *
    1. change aboat (постоянно) меня/променям решението, намерението, мнението/позициите си 2. change down авт. (пре) минавам на по-малка скорост 3. change for the better подобрение 4. change for the worse влошаване 5. change for заменям за, сменям с 6. change of life климактериум 7. change of voice мутиране на гласа 8. change off редувам (се), сменям (се) (with с), променям, сменям (време, място и пр.) 9. change over правя промяна, преминавам към нещо друго 10. change round пpaвя разместване, размествам (мебели и пр.), сменям (тема на разговор и пр.) 11. change to променям, сменям на/в, минавам от едно нещо на друго 12. change up авт. (пре) минавам на по-голямя скорост, увеличавам скоростта 13. for a change за разнообразие 14. he changed out of his overalls and into a lounge suit той съблече работния си комбинезон и си облече всекидневен костюм 15. his face changed back to its usual expression лицето му придоби отново обичайното си изражение 16. i. сменям, променям 17. ii. смяна, промяна, замяна 18. it won't take me five minutes to change за по-малко от пет минути ще се преоблека 19. small change дребни пари, прен. лек разговор, незначителни/банални забележки 20. take your change out of that! разг. нищо повече няма да получиш, ако щеш! много ти здраве 21. the barometer is at change барометърът показва промяна на времето 22. the last great change смъртта 23. to change foot оправям си крака, влизам в крак (при маршируване), to change one's feet разг. преобувам се 24. to change for dinner преобличам се/обличам се официалио за вечеря 25. to change for the better подобрявам се 26. to change for the worse влошавам се 27. to change hands сменям собственика си, минавам от ръка на ръка (за къща, кола и пр.), to change places with разменямe си местатa с 28. to get change for a one-pound note разменям/развалям банкнота от една лира 29. to give change връщам ресто на купувач (за касиер в магазин и пр.), to get no change out of someone sl. не мога да надвия/надхитря/изиграя някого, от него нищо не мога да откопча 30. to ring the changes on a subject разг. опявам на някаква тема, повтарям и потретвам 31. to ring the changes прен. правя/казвам нещо по най-различни начини 32. we've changed to central heating преминахме на парно отопление 33. борса (и 'change) 34. изменение, промяна 35. меня (се), изменям (се), променям (се) 36. меня, сменям, разменям 37. обръщам (се), превръщам (се) (into в) 38. остатък, ресто, дребни пари 39. преминавам от една фаза в друга (за луна и пр.) 40. променям се от прилив към отлив и обратно 41. променям се, мутирам (за глас) 42. различии начини на биене на камбани 43. разменям, развалям (обик. банкноти на по-дребни пари), to change a cheque/a postal order изплащам/получавам стойността на чек/пощенски запис 44. слагам чисти дрехи, белъо (и на легло, завивки, покривки и пр.), to change q.'s coat обличам си друго палто 45. сменям, прекачвам се на друг влак/параход/самолет и пр 46. сменяне на дрехи/белъо (и на легло), дрехи за преобличане 47. смяна на фазите на луната, особ. новолуние
    * * *
    change[tʃeindʒ] I. v 1. сменям, променям; \change jobs сменям работата си; to \change (o.'s clothes) преобличам се; I have nothing to \change into нямам какви други дрехи да облека; we have to \change at X трябва да сменим влака в Х; to \change colour променям си цвета, пребледнявам (от вълнение и пр.); to \change countenance променям изражението си, показвам смущение; to \change hands минавам от ръце на ръце (за имот); to \change o.'s tune запявам нова песен (прен.); to \change (o.'s) feet разг. сменям си обувките; to \change o.'s condition оженвам се; to chop and \change непрекъснато сменям становището си, непостоянен съм в решенията си; to \change step влизам в крак (при маршируване); 2. меня (се), изменям (се), променям (се), обръщам (се), превръщам (се) ( into); to \change for the better подобрявам се; his face \changed back to its usual expression лицето му прие обичайното си изражение; to \change tack променям подхода; 3. сменям, разменям; to \change sides преминавам на другата страна (и прен.); 4. разменям, развалям ( пари); 5. преминавам от една фаза в друга (за Луната); 6. променям се от прилив към отлив или обратно; to \change horses in the midle of a stream променям плановете си по средата на важна работа; правя рязък завой;

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > change

  • 6 change

    1) (of name, address, lifestyle, outlook, condition, etc.) Änderung, die; (of job, surroundings, government, etc.) Wechsel, der

    a change for the better/worse — eine Verbesserung/Verschlechterung

    the change [of life] — die Wechseljahre

    2) no pl., no art. (process of changing) Veränderung, die

    be for/against change — für/gegen eine Veränderung sein

    3) (for the sake of variety) Abwechslung, die

    [just] for a change — [nur so] zur Abwechslung

    make a change(be different) mal etwas anderes sein ( from als)

    a change is as good as a rest(prov.) Abwechslung wirkt Wunder

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (money) Wechselgeld, das

    [loose or small] change — Kleingeld, das

    give change, (Amer.) make change — herausgeben

    give somebody 40 p in change — jemandem 40 p [Wechselgeld] herausgeben

    [you can] keep the change — behalten Sie den Rest; [es] stimmt so


    a change [of clothes] — (fresh clothes) Kleidung zum Wechseln

    2. transitive verb
    1) (switch) wechseln; auswechseln [Glühbirne, Batterie, Zündkerzen]

    change one's address/name — seine Anschrift/seinen Namen ändern

    change trains/buses — umsteigen

    change schools/one's doctor — die Schule/den Arzt wechseln

    he's always changing jobser wechselt ständig den Job

    change the baby — das Baby [frisch] wickeln od. trockenlegen

    2) (transform) verwandeln; (alter) ändern

    change something/somebody into something/somebody — etwas/jemanden in etwas/jemanden verwandeln

    3) (exchange) eintauschen

    change seats with somebodymit jemandem den Platz tauschen

    take something back to the shop and change it for something — etwas [zum Laden zurückbringen und] gegen etwas umtauschen

    4) (in currency or denomination) wechseln [Geld]

    change one's money into euros — sein Geld in Euro[s] umtauschen

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (alter) sich ändern; [Person, Land:] sich verändern; [Wetter:] umschlagen, sich ändern

    wait for the lights to change — warten, dass es grün/rot wird

    2) (into something else) sich verwandeln
    3) (exchange) tauschen
    4) (put on other clothes) sich umziehen

    change out of/into something — etwas ausziehen/anziehen

    5) (take different train or bus) umsteigen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/85219/change_over">change over
    * * *
    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) (ver-)ändern
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) tauschen
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove( clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) wechseln
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) verwandeln
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) wechseln
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) die Veränderung
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) die Änderung
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) der Tausch
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) das Wechselgeld
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) das Kleingeld
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) die Abwechslung
    - changeable
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (alteration) [Ver]änderung f; (correction, modification) Änderung f
    let me know if there's any \change in his condition lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn sein Zustand sich verändert
    \change of address Adresswechsel m, Adressänderung f
    \change of direction ( also fig) Richtungsänderung f a. fig, Richtungswechsel m a. fig
    \change of heart Sinneswandel m
    \change of pace ( also fig) Tempowechsel m a. fig
    her doctor told her she needed a \change of pace ihr Arzt sagte ihr, sie solle etwas langsamer treten fam
    \change in the weather Wetterumschwung m
    to be a \change for the better/worse eine Verbesserung [o einen Fortschritt] /eine Verschlechterung [o einen Rückschritt] darstellen
    to make a \change/ \changes [to sth] eine Änderung/Änderungen [an etw dat] vornehmen
    2. no pl (substitution) Wechsel m; (changeover) Umstellung f
    \change of government Regierungswechsel m
    \change of job Stellenwechsel m
    \change of oil Ölwechsel m
    \change of scene THEAT Szenenwechsel m; ( fig) Tapetenwechsel m fig fam
    \change of surroundings Ortswechsel m
    3. no pl (variety) Abwechslung f
    that makes a nice \change das ist mal eine nette Abwechslung fam
    it'll make a \change das wäre mal was anderes fam
    for a \change zur Abwechslung
    why don't you answer the door for a \change? warum machst du nicht mal die Tür auf? fam
    4. no pl (transformation) Veränderung f
    a period of great social \change eine Zeit großer sozialer Umwälzungen pl
    5. (clean set of)
    a \change of clothes Kleidung f zum Wechseln
    6. no pl (coins) Münzgeld nt, Münz nt kein pl SCHWEIZ, Kleingeld nt; (money returned) Wechselgeld nt, Retourgeld nt SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR
    how much do you have in \change? wie viel in Kleingeld hast du?
    could you give me \change for 50 dollars? (return all) könnten Sie mir 50 Dollar wechseln?; (return balance) könnten Sie mir auf 50 Dollar herausgeben?
    to have the correct \change es passend haben
    loose [or small] \change Kleingeld nt
    to give the wrong \change falsch herausgeben
    keep the \change der Rest ist für Sie
    to have to make several \changes mehrmals umsteigen müssen
    8. ( fam: menopause)
    the \change [of life] die Wechseljahre pl
    to get no \change out of sb BRIT ( fam) aus jdm nichts rauskriegen fam
    a \change is as good as a rest ( prov) Abwechslung wirkt Wunder
    to ring the \changes für Abwechslung sorgen
    a wind of \change ein frischer Wind fig
    II. vi
    1. (alter) sich akk [ver]ändern; weather umschlagen; wind sich drehen
    nothing [ever] \changes alles bleibt beim Alten
    the traffic light \changed back to red die Ampel schaltete wieder auf Rot
    the wind \changed from south to west der Wind drehte von Süd nach West
    forget it, he's never going to \change! vergiss es, er wird sich niemals ändern!
    she's \change a lot since she's become a mother sie hat sich, seit sie Mutter ist, sehr verändert
    to \change for the better/worse situation, circumstances sich verbessern/verschlechtern; person sich akk positiv/negativ verändern; (improve) sich akk bessern; (get even worse) noch schlimmer werden
    to \change into sth sich akk in etw akk verwandeln
    to \change [over] to sth zu etw dat wechseln
    to \change to [driving] an automatic [car] auf ein Auto mit Automatik umsteigen
    to \change [over] from gas heating to electric die Heizung von Gas auf Strom umstellen
    to \change [over] to another system auf ein anderes System umstellen
    to \change [over] to another insurance company/party zu einer anderen Versicherung/Partei wechseln
    3. TRANSP umsteigen
    you have to \change at Reading for Oxford wenn Sie nach Oxford fahren wollen, müssen Sie in Reading umsteigen
    all \change! alle aussteigen!
    4. (dress) sich akk umziehen
    to \change into clean clothes saubere Sachen anziehen
    to \change out of one's work clothes seine Arbeitskleidung ausziehen
    5. AUTO schalten
    to \change into second/third gear in den zweiten/dritten Gang schalten
    6. TV umschalten
    to \change [over] to another programme zu einem anderen [o auf eine anderes] Programm umschalten
    to \change [over] to the news zu den Nachrichten umschalten [o fam rüberschalten
    III. vt
    to \change sth/sb (make different) etw/jdn [ver]ändern; (transform) etw/jdn verwandeln
    stop trying to \change him hör auf [damit], ihn ändern zu wollen
    you will never \change him er wird sich nie ändern
    living in London has \changed her das Leben in London hat sie verändert
    this hairstyle \changes you completely mit dieser Frisur siehst du völlig verändert [o wie verwandelt] aus
    to \change one's mind seine Meinung ändern
    to \change a room about [or around] ein Zimmer umstellen
    2. (exchange, move)
    to \change sth etw wechseln; (in a shop)
    to \change sth [for sth] etw [gegen etw akk] umtauschen; also TECH (replace)
    to \change sth [for sth] etw [gegen etw akk] auswechseln
    to \change banks/doctors die Bank/den Arzt wechseln
    to \change a battery/bulb/spark plug eine Batterie/Glühbirne/Zündkerze [aus]wechseln
    to \change the furniture about [or around] die Möbel umstellen
    to \change hands den Besitzer wechseln
    to \change jobs [or one's job] die Stelle wechseln
    to \change places with sb mit jdm den Platz tauschen
    I wouldn't \change places with him for the world! ( fig) um nichts in der Welt möchte ich mit ihm tauschen!
    to \change a plug einen Stecker auswechseln
    to \change school[s] die Schule wechseln
    to \change the subject das Thema wechseln
    to \change a tire einen Reifen wechseln
    3. (make fresh)
    to \change a baby ein Baby [frisch] wickeln
    the baby needs changing das Baby braucht eine frische Windel
    to \change the bed das Bett neu [o frisch] beziehen
    to \change the bedclothes/sheets die Bettwäsche/Laken wechseln
    to \change one's clothes sich akk umziehen, [sich dat] etwas anderes anziehen
    to \change nappies Windeln wechseln
    to \change one's shirt ein anderes Hemd anziehen
    to \change [one's] socks/underwear die Unterwäsche/Socken wechseln
    to \change sth etw wechseln
    could you \change a £20 note? (return all) könnten Sie mir 20 Pfund wechseln?; (return balance) könnten Sie mir auf 20 Pfund herausgeben?
    to \change British for Australian money englisches in australisches Geld umtauschen
    to \change planes das Flugzeug wechseln
    to \change trains umsteigen
    6. AUTO
    to \change gear[s] einen anderen Gang einlegen, schalten
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= alteration) Veränderung f; (= modification also) Änderung f (
    to +gen)

    a change for the betterein Fortschritt m, eine Verbesserung

    a change for the worseein Rückschritt m, eine Verschlechterung

    to make changes (to sth) (an etw dat ) (Ver)änderungen pl vornehmen

    to make a change/a major change in sth —

    2) (= variety) Abwechslung f

    that makes a change — das ist mal was anderes; (iro) das ist ja was ganz Neues!

    3) no pl (= changing) Veränderung f

    those who are against change — diejenigen, die gegen jegliche Veränderung sind

    a change of governmentein Regierungswechsel m, ein Wechsel m in der Regierung

    5) no pl (= money) Wechselgeld nt; (= small change) Kleingeld nt

    I haven't got change for £5 — ich kann auf £ 5 nicht rausgeben or £ 5 nicht wechseln

    you won't get much change out of £5 — von £ 5 wird wohl nicht viel übrig bleiben

    you won't get much change out of him (fig)aus ihm wirst du nicht viel rauskriegen

    ChangeBörse f

    2. vt
    1) (by substitution) wechseln; address, name ändern

    to change trains/buses etc — umsteigen

    to change a wheel/the oil — einen Rad-/Ölwechsel vornehmen, ein Rad/das Öl wechseln

    to change a baby — (bei einem Baby) die Windeln wechseln, ein Baby wickeln

    to change the sheets or the bed —

    to change one's seat — den Platz wechseln, sich woanders hinsetzen

    she changed places with him/Mrs Brown — er/Frau Brown und sie tauschten die Plätze

    2) (= alter) (ver)ändern; person, ideas ändern; (= transform) verwandeln

    to change sb/sth into sth — jdn/etw in etw (acc)

    3) (= exchange in shop etc) umtauschen
    4) money (into smaller money) wechseln; (into other currency) (ein)wechseln, (um)tauschen
    5) (Brit AUT)
    3. vi
    1) (= alter) sich ändern; (town, person also) sich verändern

    you've changed!du hast dich aber verändert!

    he will never change — er wird sich nie ändern, der ändert sich nie!

    to change from sth into... — sich aus etw in... (acc) verwandeln

    2) (= change clothes) sich umziehen

    I'll just change out of these old clothesich muss mir noch die alten Sachen ausziehen

    3) (= change trains etc) umsteigen

    all change! — Endstation!, alle aussteigen!

    4) (Brit AUT = change gear) schalten; (traffic lights) umspringen (to auf +acc)

    to change to a different system — auf ein anderes System umstellen, zu einem anderen System übergehen

    I changed to philosophy from chemistry —

    * * *
    change [tʃeındʒ]
    A v/t
    1. (ver)ändern, umändern, verwandeln ( alle:
    into in akk):
    change round Möbel umstellen, ein Zimmer etc umräumen;
    change one’s address ( oder lodgings) umziehen, verziehen;
    change colo(u)r die Farbe wechseln (erbleichen, erröten);
    change jobs ( oder one’s job) die Stellung wechseln, sich (beruflich) verändern;
    change one’s note ( oder tune) umg einen anderen Ton anschlagen, andere Saiten aufziehen; subject A 1
    2. wechseln, (ver)tauschen:
    change one’s dress sich umziehen;
    change one’s shoes andere Schuhe anziehen, die Schuhe wechseln;
    a) mit jemandem den Platz oder die Plätze tauschen,
    b) fig mit jemandem tauschen;
    change trains (buses, planes) umsteigen;
    change ends ( oder sides) SPORT die Seiten wechseln; hand Bes Redew, mind A 4, etc
    3. a) das Bettzeug etc wechseln, ein Bett frisch beziehen
    b) ein Baby trockenlegen, wickeln
    4. Geld wechseln:
    can you change this note?;
    change dollars into ( oder for) francs Dollar in Francs ein- oder umwechseln
    5. TECH Teile (aus)wechseln, Öl wechseln
    6. AUTO, TECH schalten:
    a) umschalten,
    b) eine Maschine, auch die Industrie etc umstellen (to auf akk); gear A 3 b
    7. ELEK kommutieren
    B v/i
    1. sich (ver)ändern, wechseln:
    he has changed a lot er hat sich sehr oder stark verändert;
    he’ll never change der wird sich nie ändern;
    the moon is changing der Mond wechselt;
    the prices have changed die Preise haben sich geändert;
    change for the better (worse) besser werden, sich bessern (sich verschlimmern oder verschlechtern);
    the lead changed several times SPORT die Führung wechselte mehrmals
    2. sich verwandeln (to, into in akk)
    3. change over übergehen ( from von; to zu)
    4. sich umziehen ( for dinner zum Abendessen):
    change into (out of) sth etwas anziehen (ausziehen)
    5. BAHN etc umsteigen:
    all change Endstation, alles aussteigen!
    6. schalten, wechseln, umspringen ( alle:
    from … to von … auf akk) (Verkehrsampel)
    7. AUTO, TECH schalten:
    change up (down) hinauf-(herunter)schalten; gear A 3 b
    8. change over RADIO, TV umschalten (to auf akk)
    9. change over ( oder round) SPORT bes Br die Seiten wechseln
    C s
    1. (Ver)Änderung f, Wechsel m, (Ver)Wandlung f, weitS. auch Umschwung m, Wende f:
    change of address Adressenänderung;
    change of air Luftveränderung;
    change for the better (worse) Besserung f (Verschlimmerung f, Verschlechterung f);
    change of career Berufswechsel;
    change in climate Klimawechsel (a. fig);
    change of course FLUG, SCHIFF Kurswechsel (a. fig);
    change of ends ( oder sides) SPORT Seitenwechsel;
    change of front fig Frontenwechsel;
    change of heart Sinnesänderung;
    a) Wechseljahre pl,
    b) Menopause f;
    change of the moon Mondwechsel;
    change of pace SPORT Tempowechsel;
    change of scenery fig Tapetenwechsel;
    change in thinking Umdenken n;
    change of voice Stimmwechsel, -bruch m;
    change in (the) weather Wetterumschlag m, -umschwung, Witterungsumschlag m, -umschwung;
    make changes SPORT umstellen, Umstellungen vornehmen; mood1 1
    2. (Aus)Tausch m:
    change of oil Ölwechsel m
    3. (etwas) Neues, Abwechslung f:
    a welcome change eine willkommene Abwechslung ( from von);
    for a change zur Abwechslung;
    it makes a change es ist mal etwas anderes ( from als);
    hot chocolate makes a marvellous change from tea and coffee Kakao schmeckt herrlich nach all dem Tee und Kaffee
    4. Wechsel m (Kleidung etc):
    a) Umziehen n,
    b) Kleidung f zum Wechseln, frische Wäsche
    5. a) Wechselgeld n
    b) Kleingeld n
    c) herausgegebenes Geld:
    get change etwas herausbekommen ( for a pound auf ein Pfund);
    can you give me change for a pound? können Sie mir auf ein Pfund herausgeben?; können Sie mir ein Pfund wechseln?;
    make change from herausgeben auf (akk);
    get no change out of sb fig nichts aus jemandem herausholen können; keep B 4
    6. Change WIRTSCH Br umg Börse f
    7. MUS
    a) (Tonart-, Takt-, Tempo) Wechsel m
    b) Variierung f
    c) (enharmonische) Verwechslung
    d) meist pl Wechsel(folge) m(f) (beim Wechselläuten):
    ring the changes wechselläuten, Br fig für Abwechslung sorgen;
    ring the changes on sth fig etwas in allen Variationen durchspielen
    chg. abk
    2. WIRTSCH charge
    * * *
    1) (of name, address, lifestyle, outlook, condition, etc.) Änderung, die; (of job, surroundings, government, etc.) Wechsel, der

    a change for the better/worse — eine Verbesserung/Verschlechterung

    the change [of life] — die Wechseljahre

    2) no pl., no art. (process of changing) Veränderung, die

    be for/against change — für/gegen eine Veränderung sein

    3) (for the sake of variety) Abwechslung, die

    [just] for a change — [nur so] zur Abwechslung

    make a change (be different) mal etwas anderes sein ( from als)

    a change is as good as a rest(prov.) Abwechslung wirkt Wunder

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (money) Wechselgeld, das

    [loose or small] change — Kleingeld, das

    give change, (Amer.) make change — herausgeben

    give somebody 40 p in change — jemandem 40 p [Wechselgeld] herausgeben

    [you can] keep the change — behalten Sie den Rest; [es] stimmt so


    a change [of clothes] — (fresh clothes) Kleidung zum Wechseln

    2. transitive verb
    1) (switch) wechseln; auswechseln [Glühbirne, Batterie, Zündkerzen]

    change one's address/name — seine Anschrift/seinen Namen ändern

    change trains/buses — umsteigen

    change schools/one's doctor — die Schule/den Arzt wechseln

    change the baby — das Baby [frisch] wickeln od. trockenlegen

    2) (transform) verwandeln; (alter) ändern

    change something/somebody into something/somebody — etwas/jemanden in etwas/jemanden verwandeln

    3) (exchange) eintauschen

    take something back to the shop and change it for something — etwas [zum Laden zurückbringen und] gegen etwas umtauschen

    change one's money into euros — sein Geld in Euro[s] umtauschen

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (alter) sich ändern; [Person, Land:] sich verändern; [Wetter:] umschlagen, sich ändern

    wait for the lights to change — warten, dass es grün/rot wird

    2) (into something else) sich verwandeln
    3) (exchange) tauschen
    4) (put on other clothes) sich umziehen

    change out of/into something — etwas ausziehen/anziehen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (money) n.
    Kleingeld n.
    Wechsel - m.
    Wechselgeld n. n.
    Abwechslung f.
    Veränderung f.
    Wandel - m.
    Änderung -en f. (plane, train, bus) v.
    umsteigen v. v.
    sich wandeln v.
    sich ändern v.
    umschalten v.
    wandeln v.
    wechseln v.
    ändern v.

    English-german dictionary > change

  • 7 change

     ein‹ 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) forandre/endre (seg), legge om, skifte
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) bytte
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) skifte, kle seg om
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) forvandle (seg)
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) veksle
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) forandring, endring, omlegging
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) forandring, endring
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) (kles)bytte, skifte
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) mynter; skillemynt
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) vekslepenger, penger igjen
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) forandring
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change
    subst. \/tʃeɪn(d)ʒ\/
    1) forandring, endring
    2) omlegging, overgang, svingning, skifte, omslag
    3) ombytte, bytte, avveksling
    4) skift, ekstra sett
    5) veksel, småpenger, penger igjen
    keep the change!
    behold resten! \/ det er greit!
    6) ( tømrerfag) veksling
    a change from et avbrekk fra, en avveksling fra
    change of life overgangsalder, menopause overgangsfase
    change of the moon ny månefase
    change of voice stemmeskifte
    changes vekslinger, forklaring: rekkefølgen som klokkene blir anslått i ved klokkeringing
    for a change til en forandring, for én gangs skyld
    get no change out of somebody ikke komme noe sted med noen
    gi igjen
    can you give me change for a pound?
    ring the changes prøve alle muligheter, vri og vende på, variere et tema
    take one's change out of somebody hevne seg på noen, ta igjen overfor noen
    verb \/tʃeɪn(d)ʒ\/
    1) forandre (på\/seg), endre (på\/seg)
    2) legge om, gjøre om
    3) forvandle(s)
    4) bytte, bytte ut, skifte, kle seg om
    5) ( om penger) veksle, gi tilbake
    6) ( om sjekk) løse inn
    7) veksle
    8) gå over, bytte
    change here for Hull!
    9) ( om bil) gire
    change about ombestemme seg flere ganger
    change colour rødme blekne
    change down ( om bil) gire ned
    change for forandre (seg) til
    bytte (ut) mot, bytte (ut) med, bytte i
    ( om klær) skifte til, kle seg om til
    change from gå fra, veksle fra
    change front\/face gjøre helomvending, endre standpunkt
    change hands bytte hånd, bruke den andre hånden skifte eier
    change houses flytte (til ny bolig)
    change into forandre til ( om klær) skifte til
    change one's address få ny adresse, flytte
    change one's clothes skifte klær, skifte
    change one's mind ombestemme seg, skifte mening
    change out of ( om klær) få på seg noe annet enn
    change over skifte over ( sport) veksle (i stafett)
    change places bytte plass bytte rolle
    change sides bytte side endre standpunkt, forandre mening
    change step\/foot\/feet ( ved marsjering) skifte takt
    change up ( om bil) gire opp

    English-Norwegian dictionary > change

  • 8 change up

    change up авт. увеличавам скоростта, превключвам на по-висока предавка; II. n 1. промяна, смяна; a \change up of clothes преобличане, смяна на дрехи; a \change up of base ам. разг. отстъпление; a \change up of front воен. заемане на нови позиции; прен. коренна промяна; a \change up of scene смяна на декора; промяна на обстановката; 2. изменение, промяна, разнообразие; for a \change up за разнообразие; it is quite a \change up to see you smile нещо ново е да те види човек усмихнат; a \change up of heart ( mind) промяна на намеренията (плановете); вътрешна промяна; a \change up for the better подобрение; a \change up for the worse влошаване; a \change up of voice изменение (мутиране) на гласа; the last great \change up смъртта; 3. дребни пари; остатък, ресто; to get \change up for $6 развалям 6 долара; small \change up дребни пари; прен. баналности; дреболии (в живота); he won't get much \change up out of me от мене нищо няма да изкара, няма защо да си губи времето с мен; to give s.o. \change up sl оказвам някому услуга; 4. борса (и 'change, съкр. от Exchange); 5. редът, по който се бият камбаните; to ring the \change ups 1) създавам разнообразие с различни комбинации от ограничен брой артикули (предмети); 2) бия камбаните с всички възможни пермутации на реда; 6. промяна, смяна (на пост); 7. нова луна, новолуние.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > change up

  • 9 change

    1. I
    1) the weather (the colour, the city, etc.) changes погода и т. д. меняется
    2) you have just time to change у вас как раз есть время переодеться; take me five minutes to change и пяти минут не пройдет, как я буду готов /переоденусь/
    2. II
    1) change in some manner change very much (noticeably, suddenly, undeniably, etc.) сильно и т. д. (из)меняться; this country has changed a lot economically с экономической точки зрения эта страна претерпела большие изменения; а perpetually changing world постоянно /вечно/ меняющийся мир; change at some time change often часто меняться; you have changed of late вы изменились за последнее время
    2) change somewhere where do we -? где у нас пересадка?; all change here! поезд дальше не идет /не пойдет/!
    3. III
    1) change smth., smb. change plates (the front tyre, the curtains, the instructors, etc.) заменять тарелки и т. д.; change the guard сменить часовых /караул/; change a book обменять книгу; change houses (rooms) переехать в другой дом (в другую комнату); change hands переходить в другие руки /из рук в руки/, менять владельца; change one's address поменять адрес, переехать; change one's name сменить имя или фамилию; change seats /places/ поменяться местами; I won't like to change places with you не хотел бы я быть на вашем месте; change parties перейти в другую партию; change sides перейти на другую сторону /на сторону противника, в другой лагерь/; change step (foot) сменить шаг (ногу); change the subject (one's opinion, one's convictions, one's way of thinking, one's line of conduct, one's habits, a man's nature, a man's character, the situation, one's diet, etc.) изменять тему (разговора) и т. д;change one's mind изменить свое решение /мнение/, передумать; we may have to change our plans возможно, [что] нам придется изменить [ свои] планы || change colour изменяться в лице ( покраснеть или побледнеть)
    2) change smth., smb. change one's clothes (one's dress, one's coat, etc.) сменить одежду, надеть другое платье и т. д., переодеться; change the bedclothes /the bed/ сменить постельное белье; she is changing the baby она меняет ребенку пеленки или переодевает ребенка
    3) change smth. change trains пересесть в другой поезд, сделать пересадку; change carriages (пере)сесть в другой вагон; change horses сменить лошадей
    4) change smth. change money (a banknote, a hundred-rouble bill, a five-pound note, etc.) разменять деньги и т. д., can you change a one-pound note? вы можете разменять [бумажку в] одни фунт?
    4. IV
    1) change smb., smth. somewhere change the bed upstairs сменить постельное белье [в спальнях] наверху
    2) change smth. somewhere change trains (buses, planes, etc.) here сделать здесь пересадку на другой поезд и т. д.
    5. V
    change smb. some money change him the money (her a travellers' check, me a five-pound note, etc.) разменять ему деньги и т. д.
    6. XI
    be changed the appearance of the town is quite changed Облик города очень изменялся; be changed by smth. water is changed into steam by heat под действием тепла вода превращается в пар; the policy was changed by the course of events ход событий привел к изменению политики; be changed to smth. the meeting (the opening night, the exam, etc.) has been changed to Monday (to another day, etc.) собрание и т. д. перенесено на понедельник и т. д.',the name of the city has been changed to Leningrad город стал называться Ленинградом
    7. XVI
    1) change in smth. change in colour (in appearance, etc.) измениться по цвету и т. д.; change markedly (considerably, drastically, fundamentally, profoundly, etc.) in smth. претерпеть заметные и т. д. изменения в чем-л.; change beyond recognition измениться до неузнаваемости; lecturing has changed considerably in method during the last two decades методы чтения лекционных курсов за последние двадцать лет значительно изменились; change for smth. change for the better ( for the worse) (изменяться к лучшему (к худшему); my fortune (the weather) has changed for the better моя судьба (погода) изменилась к лучшему; change at some time change with the times (with the season, from day to day, etc.) (изменяться со временем и т. д.
    2) change (in)to smth., smb. change til snow (to slush, into water, into a woman, etc.) превратиться в снег и т. д., стать снегом и т. д.', change into different shapes принимать разные /различные/ формы /очертания/; caterpillars change into butterflies гусеницы превращаются в бабочек; change from smth., smb. (in)to smth., smb. change from one shape into another изменять форму /очертания/; the wind has changed from north to east северный ветер сменялся восточным; her hair changed from black to white ее черная голова поседела; in autumn the leaves change from green to brown листья осенью желтеют; he changed from a well-behaved, obedient child into a stubborn adolescent он превратился из воспитанного послушного ребенка в упрямого под ростка
    3) change into smth. change into one's working clothes (into flannels, into a new suit, etc.) переодеться в рабочую одежду и т. д; I have nothing to change into мне не во что переодеться; change out of smth. change out of overalls (out of these old, dirty clothes, out of my smart suit, etc.) снять комбинезон и т. д., переодеться; change for smth. change for dinner переодеваться к обеду
    4) change at some place change at the second station (at a railway junction, at Rugby, etc.) сделать пересадку на второй остановке и т. д.; we have to change at the next station у нас пересадка на следующей станции; change for some place change for Manchester (for London, etc.) сделать пересадку на Манчестер и т. д.; where do we change for centre? где вам [надо] сделать пересадку, чтобы попасть в центр?; change (in)to smth. change into another train (to an electric car, to another ship, to a higher class car, etc.) пересесть на другой поезд и т. д.; change from smth. to smth. I had to change from a train to a bus мне пришлось пересесть с поезда на автобус
    8. XXI1
    1) change smth. for smth. change one thing for another (one book for another, a pencil for a knife, etc.) обменивать одну вещь на другую и т. д; she changed Miss for Mrs. теперь она уже не "мисс", а "миссис"; change smth. with smb. change places /seats/ with smb. обменяться /поменяться/ с кем-л. местами
    2) change smth., smb. (in)to smth., smb. change the princess into a cat (the boy into an ass, the cat into a lion, the watch into a rabbit, etc.) превратить принцессу в кошку и т. д.; the fox changed [itself] into a man лиса обернулась человеком; sickness changed him into an old man болезнь превратила его в старика; grief hadchanged his hair from black to white от горя его черные волосы поседели; change direct speech (in)to indirect (the passive voice to the active, etc.) перевести прямую речь в косвенную и т. д.
    3) change smth. for smth. change a house coat for a street dress (soiled clothes for clean ones, etc.) сменить халат на платье для улицы, переодеться и т. д.
    4) change with. for smb., smth. change the banknotes for him (a five-pound note for him, etc.) разменять ему банкноты / банковые билеты/ и т. д.; change smth. for /into/ smth. change banknotes for silver (pounds.into local currency, a dollar bill for ten dimes, shillings into pounds, roubles into dollars, etc.) разменивать / обменивать/ банкноты на серебро и т. д.
    9. XXII
    change smth. by doing smth. change the room by painting the walls green (the house by making a new window in the east wall, one's appearance by dyeing one's hair, etc.) изменить вид комнаты, покрасив стены в зеленый цвет и т. д.
    10. XXV

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > change

  • 10 change

    I [tʃeɪndʒ] n
    1) изменение, перемена, сдвиг, модификация, разнообразие

    Change, constant change, is the law of organic life. — Изменение, вечное непрекращающееся изменение - закон органической жизни.

    There was little change in his condition. — Его состояние не изменилось.

    - little change
    - marked change
    - momentous change
    - needed change
    - quick change
    - radical change
    - sudden change
    - welcome change
    - great change in smb
    - changes in personnel
    - change in one's life
    - change for the better
    - do smth for a change
    - make changes in one's plans
    - undergo change
    2) мелочь, мелкие деньги
    - have some change
    - take some change out of one's pocket

    Here is your change. — Вот ваша сдача.

    Don't forget your change. — Возьмите сдачу. /Не забудьте сдачу.

    Passengers are requested to examine their ticketsand change before leaving. — Пассажиров просят проверять билеты и сдачу не отходя от кассы.

    - give the change
    - count one's change
    - give change for
    - keep the change
    - make change
    - make a change
    - make a change for another line II [tʃeɪndʒ] v
    1) менять, обменять, изменять, заменять, сменять
    - change smth beyond recognition
    - change the colour
    - change one's voice
    - change places
    - change money
    - change buses
    - change at a certain place
    - change for another train
    3) меняться, изменяться
    - change beyond recognition
    - honours change manners
    - change horses while crossing the stream
    Глаголы to change и to change smth, smb в значениях "менять, изменять, изменяться" описывают данное действие в наиболее общем виде, не учитывая характера и обстоятельств изменения. Уточнение характера изменения передается глаголами to alter, to vary, to fluctuate.
    Глагол to alter обозначает не полное изменение, а некоторое видоизменение, в чем он отличается от глагола to change, который предполагает полное изменение или постепенное изменение в течение длительного периода, в чем он сближается с глаголом to change: her face has altered much over the years с годами у нее изменилось лицо; my home town has not altered/changed much since I was there last мой родной город почти не изменился с тех пор, когда я был там в последний раз; she has changed (но не altered) since she went to college, she is quite a different person now она переменилась после того, как начала ходить в колледж; it is amusing to see how things change with times интересно наблюдать, как со временем меняется жизнь; how do you want this dress altered? (но не changed) как вы хотите переделать это платье?
    Глагол to vary описывает изменения, предполагает множественные варианты - варьировать, менять, меняться: his mood varies with weather у него настроение меняется в зависимости от погоды; how much milk do you use a day? - Oh, it varies. Сколько у вас уходит молока в день? - Ох, по-разному; we played chess at six o'clock every evening, and it never varied over these twenty years в шесть часов вечера мы всегда играем в шахматы и на разу за эти двадцать лет не изменили этому правилу.
    Глагол to fluctuate описывает также изменение, перемену, но подчеркивает, что это изменение от верхнего уровня к нижнему и обратно - может колебаться: blood pressure may fluctuate several times in the course of the day кровяное давление может меняться несколько раз в течение дня; prices for some goods fluctuate a lot цены на некоторые товары очень часто то подскакивают, то падают/цены на некоторые товары колеблются.

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > change

  • 11 change

    n. verandering, wijziging; wisselgeld, kleingeld
    v. wijzigen, veranderen; wisselen; zich verkleden; overstappen
    [ tsjeendzj] zelfstandig naamwoord
    veranderingver/afwisseling, overgang, variatie
    Change de Beurs
    1   a change for the better/worse een verandering ten goede/kwade
         change of heart bekering, verandering van ideeën
         the change of seasons de wisseling der seizoenen
         for a change voor de verandering/afwisseling
    2   a change of shirt een schoon hemd
    3   a change of oil nieuwe olie
    4   I had a change between L. and M. tussen L. en M. moest ik overstappen
    5   keep the change! laat maar zitten!
    6   give/ Amerikaans-Engels ook make change for a banknote een briefje wisselen
    change of life overgang(sjaren)
         informeelget no change out of someone geen cent wijzer worden van iemand
         informeelgive someone change iemand lik op stuk geven
         〈Brits-Engels; informeel〉 ring the changes veranderen, het anders aanpakken
         the change overgang(sjaren)
    veranderenanders worden, wisselen
    zich verkledenandere/schone kleren aantrekken
    1   his voice is changing zijn stem is aan het wisselen/breken
         change back into weer veranderen in
         change from a child into a man van een kind een man worden
    2   change into something comfortable iets gemakkelijks aandoen
    3   change to a boat overstappen op een boot
    4   change down terugschakelen
         change into second gear in zijn twee zetten
    → change over change over/
    veranderenanders maken, transformeren
    2   change one's clothes zich omkleden
         change gear (over)schakelen
         change oil olie verversen
         change something for something else iets (om)ruilen (voor iets anders)
    3   change pounds into francs ponden (om)wisselen in franken
         change the bed het beddengoed verschonen

    English-Dutch dictionary > change

  • 12 voice

    1. आवाज
    I heard a feeble voice from the house
    2. विचार
    The students want a voice in the decision making
    3. व्याकरणिक\voiceक्रिया[कर्तृवाच्य/कर्मवाच्य/भाववाच्य]
    Change the sentence into a different voice
    1. विचार\voiceव्यक्त\voiceकरना
    The protesters voiced their demands

    English-Hindi dictionary > voice

  • 13 change

    1. परिवर्तन
    Change is the law of Nature.
    2. छुट्टा\changeपैसा
    He got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver
    1. बदल\changeजाना
    His voice began to change when he was 14 years old

    English-Hindi dictionary > change

  • 14 change

    1) change of beat — смещение акцента;
    2) change of position — смена позиции; 3) voice change — смена ( электронного) тембра

    English-Russian dictionary of musical terminology > change

  • 15 voice storage

    English-Russian base dictionary > voice storage

  • 16 change voice

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > change voice

  • 17 change voice

    English-Russian musical dictionary > change voice

  • 18 become the symbol for change

    Политика: становиться символом перемен (англ. цитата взята из репортажа Voice of America; контекстуальный перевод)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > become the symbol for change

  • 19 MIDI voice change message

    вчт MIDI-сообщение о смене тембра

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > MIDI voice change message

  • 20 MIDI voice change message

    вчт. MIDI-сообщение о смене тембра

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > MIDI voice change message

См. также в других словарях:

  • change of voice — the gradual change in quality and pitch of voice occurring in boys about the age of puberty …   Useful english dictionary

  • Voice — Voice, n. [OE. vois, voys, OF. vois, voiz, F. voix, L. vox, vocis, akin to Gr. ? a word, ? a voice, Skr. vac to say, to speak, G. erw[ a]hnen to mention. Cf. {Advocate}, {Advowson}, {Avouch}, {Convoke}, {Epic}, {Vocal}, {Vouch}, {Vowel}.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Voice glide — Voice Voice, n. [OE. vois, voys, OF. vois, voiz, F. voix, L. vox, vocis, akin to Gr. ? a word, ? a voice, Skr. vac to say, to speak, G. erw[ a]hnen to mention. Cf. {Advocate}, {Advowson}, {Avouch}, {Convoke}, {Epic}, {Vocal}, {Vouch}, {Vowel}.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Voice stop — Voice Voice, n. [OE. vois, voys, OF. vois, voiz, F. voix, L. vox, vocis, akin to Gr. ? a word, ? a voice, Skr. vac to say, to speak, G. erw[ a]hnen to mention. Cf. {Advocate}, {Advowson}, {Avouch}, {Convoke}, {Epic}, {Vocal}, {Vouch}, {Vowel}.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Voice of the Faithful — (VOTF) is an organization of lay Catholics, formed in early 2002 in response to the Roman Catholic sex abuse cases. Founding, growth and mission VOTF began when a small group of parishioners met in the basement of St. John the Evangelist church… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice therapy (trans) — Voice therapy or voice training refers to any non surgical technique used to improve or modify the human voice. Because voice is a gender cue , transsexual women frequently undertake voice therapy as a part of gender transition in order to make… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice over Internet Protocol — (VoIP, IPAEng|vɔɪp) is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the Internet or other packet switched networks. VoIP is often used abstractly to refer to the actual transmission of voice (rather than the protocol implementing… …   Wikipedia

  • Change of Heart (street paper) — Change of Heart masthead from spring 2009 Change of Heart is a quarterly street newspaper produced and sold in Lawrence, Kansas. It was founded by Craig Sweets in late 1996,[1] who says the idea of starting a street newspaper was g …   Wikipedia

  • Change (Taylor Swift song) — Change Promotional single by Taylor Swift from the album Fearless Released August 8, 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • Voice acting — is the art of providing voices for animated characters (including those in feature films, television series, animated shorts, and video games) and radio and audio dramas and comedy, doing voice overs in radio and television commercials, audio… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice of Beslan — ( ru. Голос Беслана) is a grassroots non governmental organization created in the aftermath of the 2004 North Ossetian Beslan school hostage crisis, as a splinter group of more radical members of the Mothers of Beslan support and advocacy group… …   Wikipedia

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